“There’s no magic wand for correcting diversity and inclusion. Change happens one person at a time, one act at a time, one word at a time.”
[ARTICLE] The Washington Post: When black people are in pain, white people just join book clubs – In this article, writer Tre Johnson shares his frustration with largely performative actions of his white friends and calls for more meaningful action when it comes to addressing racism in America.
[PODCAST] Brené Brown: Brené on Shame and Accountability - In this podcast episode, Brené unpacks her thoughts about why accountability is a prerequisite for change, and why we need to get our heads and hearts around the difference between being held accountable for racism and feeling shame and being shamed.
[TED TALK] How to overcome your biases? Walk boldly toward them. - Diversity advocate Vernā Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups. She makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases. Then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable.
[VIDEO] Fusion Comedy: How Microaggressions are like Mosquito Bites - For people that still don't think microaggressions are a problem: just imagine that instead of being a stupid comment, a microaggression is a mosquito bite.
[BOOK] Ibram X. Kendi: How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America--but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. Instead of working with the policies and system we have in place, Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it.
[FRAMEWORK] Barbara J. Love: Developing a Liberatory Consciousness – “To be effective as a liberation worker - that is, one who is committed to changing systems and institutions characterized by oppression to create greater equity and social justice – a crucial step is the development of a liberatory consciousness.”
[ARTICLE] Fast Company: These 7 classes will teach you how to be anti-racist - These courses were developed by Black women and will teach you to recognize and work against racism.
[ARTICLE] HuffPost: What Not to Say to Your Black Colleagues Right Now – This article features tips for how to have empathetic conversations with your Black co-workers.
[RESEARCH] Yale Insights: How White Managers Can Respond to Anti-Black Violence - This article offers a series of concrete steps that leaders can take to combat racism in their own organizations.
[TED TALK] 3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace – In this Ted Talk, Melinda Epler asserts that each of us can be an ally for those who face discrimination. She provides three tangible steps we can take to get started to build allyship inside our organizations.
[WEBINAR] Frances Frei/Anne Morriss: Unleashing Greatness in Others - In this HBR webinar, the authors of “Unleashed” share examples of inclusive leadership behaviors.