Design justice asks whether the affordances of a designed object or system disproportionately reduce opportunities for already oppressed groups of people while enhancing the life opportunities of dominant groups, independently of whether designers intend this outcome.
— Sasha Constanza-Chock

[ARTICLE] Fortune: Working While Black - Stories from black corporate America – For this article, Fortune asked Black employees what they wanted their nonblack coworkers, supervisors, and executives to know about inclusivity in the workplace.

[RESEARCH] Joan Acker: Inequality Regimes - Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations - “Inequality regimes are the interlocked practices and processes that result in continuing inequalities in all work organizations. Work organizations are critical locations for the investigation of the continuous creation of complex inequalities because much societal inequality originates in such organizations.”

[WEBINAR] Time: Race in the Workplace - In this video series, Shaun Harper (Executive Director of the USC Race and Equity Center) and Damien Hooper-Campbell (Zoom’s Chief Diversity Officer) explore practical approaches to improving and advancing racial equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations.

[ARTICLE] Harvard Business Review: Confronting Racism at Work – A Reading List – This collection of articles provides a starting place for companies and business leaders to address racism at a systemic level.

[ARTICLE] Fast Company: This algorithm could make it easier for more than 73 million Americans to get jobs - A disproportionate number of Black and brown people are impacted by the U.S. criminal justice system. As a result, these candidates are more likely to be harmed by a traditional background check.

[RESEARCH] Stanford Social Innovation Review: The Bias of ‘Professionalism’ Standards - Professionalism has become coded language for white favoritism in workplace practices that more often than not privilege the values of white and Western employees and leave behind people of color.

[ARTICLE] Equity in the Center: How to Lose/Retain Diverse Leaders in 365 Days – Many organizations are trying to hire leaders of color, but few focus on retaining them. This article highlights the main reasons why diverse leaders leave.

[RESEARCH] AI Now Institute: DISCRIMINATING SYSTEMS – Gender, Race, and Power in AI – “Systems that use physical appearance as a proxy for character or interior states are deeply suspect, including AI tools that claim to detect sexuality from headshots, predict ‘criminality’ based on facial features, or assess worker competence via ‘micro-expressions.’ Such systems are replicating patterns of racial and gender bias in ways that can deepen and justify historical inequality. The commercial deployment of these tools is cause for deep concern.”

[BOOK] Lily Zheng: DEI Deconstructed - DEI Deconstructed analyzes how current methods and “best practices” leave marginalized people feeling frustrated and unconvinced of their leaders’ sincerity, and offers a roadmap that bridges the neatness of theory with the messiness of practice. Through embracing a pragmatic DEI approach drawing from cutting-edge research on organizational change, evidence-based practices, and incisive insights from a DEI strategist with experience working from the top-down and bottom-up alike, stakeholders at every level of an organization can become effective DEI changemakers.

[PLAYBOOK] California Partners Project & Stanford VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab: Board Diversity Playbook - The playbook offers four empirically sound, community-sourced steps to find a broad range of talented women leaders who can provide insights and skills to enhance your board’s performance and success. For each step, the playbook provides tactics and tools to improve your process.

[FRAMEWORK] Lisa Kepinski/Tinna C. Nielsen: Inclusion Nudges - Inclusion Nudges are practical designs to influence the unconscious mind to automatically be inclusive in daily actions, leadership, and decision-making. Inclusion Nudges are redesign of processes, reframing of perceptions, as well as eye-openers that motivate and engage people in making inclusion the norm everywhere, for everyone.