Every movement has a story.
This is ours: Our community evolved from an informal connection between our three founders to support each others’ healing journey. It was such a powerful experience that we wanted to share it with others…. and that’s how #HRvsRacism was born.
Meet the #HRvsRacism team: Kendra Jackson, Oneka Cornelius, and Nicole Dessain. We are honored to have been invited to share our story on several podcasts. Check them out:
We created a reflective healing space and invite you to contribute to our collective story.
Where we all sit on the same side of the table.
Where every story is honored.
Where every experience has meaning.
Where your voice is heard.
Where you can be brave and vulnerable.
“I was raised in a shell of whiteness but never really thought about it until now. Very little interaction with others and so very comfortable where I am, but can no longer be.”